The Manitou River Site M26 was identified as a medium priority site in need of restoration due to immense erosion and lack of riparian vegetation. The outside bend was a sand bank with a clay base 83m long and 9m wide. Our goal was to restore and protect 1500m2 of shoreline habitat & 840m2 of in-stream habitat and reduce nutrients from entering the river from livestock through riparian planting. The following accomplishments were obtained while conducting the stream restoration project: 83 linear meters of restored river; 840m2 restored in-stream habitat; 1500m2 graded slope and bank; 275 m3 vegetated river stone; 21 root wads; 110m3 top soil; 1210m2 coconut coir matting; 1100m2 native grass seed; 287 planted shrubs by contractor; 300 nursery trees planted by volunteers; 56m of fencing to restrict livestock. Total number of volunteers=6; total hrs.=183.50hrs; use of machinery =$1,386; materials=$2,530 Total In-kind Support=$7,876. Monitoring has been conducted for inverts & fish.
Nearest city or town: Tehkummah, ON
Project start date: August 10, 2020
End date: March 31, 2021
Project focus: Combination of Education, Restoration, and Monitoring
Project contact: Seija Deschenes