The wetland program assists landowners in restoring or creating wetland habitat, through excavation, berms, and erosion control structures, planting native plants in wet areas for buffers, as well as provides educational opportunities for youth and communities. Wetlands provide storage for storm water events as area for surface water to infiltrate and be filtered, reducing surface runoff. This improves water quality and quantity in the Ausable and Bayfield Rivers which outlet into Lake Huron. In 2017, three wetland restoration projects were completed restoring one hectare to wetlands and planting 11 ha with over 17,000 trees and wetland plants around wetlands and creeks. A turtle nesting site was constructed to provide nesting habitat for turtles and was used by several snapping turtles. A rain garden was created in Clinton at the Sloman Park. The community planted 500 wetland plants to filter surface runoff from the neighbouring residential street.
Nearest city or town: Ailsa Craig and Clinton
Project start date: April 1, 2017
End date: March 31, 2018
Project focus: Stewardship
Project contact: Angela Van Niekerk