The tall limestone cliffs and turquoise water of the Bruce Peninsula provide a variety of recreational opportunities for residents and visitors alike. Credit: Scott Parker
Sharing information on Best Management Practices is an important part of collaboration between the individuals, communities, watershed groups and governmental agencies at work for Lake Huron. Credit: BPBA
Exposed limestone bluffs at Cave Point, Bruce Peninsula.
Rocky islands of eastern Georgian Bay. Photo credit: Ellen Perschbacher
Southern Ontario agriculture along Lake Huron’s southeast shore. Credit: Daniel Holm Photography
Sand beach and dune complexes are found along the southeastern shores, such as those pictured here near Pinery Provincial Park. Credit: Daniel Holm Photography
Lake Huron waters support a thriving agricultural sector, particularly in the southeastern portion of the watershed. Credit: Daniel Holm Photography
Volunteers engaged in stream restoration efforts in a Lake Huron tributary. Photo credit: MSIA
Rocky islands of eastern Georgian Bay. Photo credit: Ellen Perschbacher
The St. Marys River flows from Lake Superior to Lake Huron, contributing 8 billion liters/hour to the receiving basin in Lake Huron. Photo credit: Mark Chambers

PROCEEDINGS COMING SOON – 2017 Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Summit: Working Together for a Healthy Lake Huron-Georgian Bay

THANK YOU to everyone who came the Lake Huron Summit in October.  The organizing committee is working on getting the proceedings out and published to this website.  If you have any questions or want follow-up sooner, feel free to contact us…[email protected].

When: From: 11 am Wednesday, October 25th

To: 12 pm Thursday, October 26th

Where: The Cranberry Resort in Collingwood (Same venue as 2014)

This is an opportunity to broaden the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay network, share experiences, and identify tools and approaches that will assist all participants in advancing restoration and protection initiatives around the watershed.

At the 2017 Summit, we will:

  1. Share information on water quality conditions, management needs, and links with community-based efforts;
  2. Build on the results and guidance from our 2014 Summit and understand new opportunities to take action, engage and network with watershed citizens, groups and agencies;
  3. Discuss the needs and challenges related to tracking progress, measuring results and use of indicators at different scales (e.g. tributary to nearshore to open lake); and
  4. Meet with people, groups and agency representatives and share experiences on actions and activities around Lake Huron-Georgian Bay.

Read the draft agenda then complete the registration form and send to [email protected] by August 31st. Randy and Marg French, French Planning Services Inc., will be organizing and facilitating the 2017 Summit on behalf of the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Steering Committee. You can reach them at 705 646 0851 or at the above email address.

A block of rooms have been reserved at the Cranberry Resort until September 5th, 2017 in the group name ‘Environment and Climate Change Canada’. The room cost is $109 plus HST. Reservations can be made by calling the resort at 705-445-6600 or 800 465 9077 Ext 7170 or by emailing [email protected].

The draft Lake Huron Lakewide Management and Action Plan (LAMP) was recently released and you may obtain a copy of it at Also attached for your information is the Summary of the 2014 Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Summit. It provides a Tool Box of information that we shared and collected at that time and we hope to expand upon at our 2017 Summit.

Thank you and really hope to see you there!

The 2017 Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Summit Committee:


Greg Mayne
Lake Huron Program Advisor
Environment and Climate Change Canada


Ted Briggs
Great Lakes Advisor
Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change


Mari Veliz
Healthy Watersheds Supervisor
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority


Greg Mason
General Manager
Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve



…on behalf of the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Framework for Community Action Steering Committee