The Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group has initiated an important wetland restoration project in Port Franks at a section of L Lake. This unique Area of Natural and Scientific Interest is home to a spectacular array of species found collectively nowhere else in Canada, many of them are at risk. It is a vital part of a rare Oak Savanna ecosystem. Work began in 2019 with manual cutting and Truxor work. The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority treated cells of Phragmites on land in the fall. This summer, a second community volunteer event was held to aid with the removal of dead stalks and cutting to drown emergent stalks. The key planned activities for this project focused on control through"Cutting to Drown" a method developed by the Invasive Phragmites Control Centre, a non-profit entity established by wetland ecologist Dr. Janice Gilbert. This method involves a manual cutting crew as well as mechanical cutting using an amphibious Truxor, stihl saws and spading.
Nearest city or town: Grand Bend, ON
Project start date: July 10, 2019
Project focus: Combination of Education, Restoration, and Monitoring
Project contact: Nancy Vidler