Saugeen Conservation was thrilled to host TWO very informative workshops in our watershed relating to the Lake Huron coastline. Speakers include Robin Davidson Arnott, renowned Coastal Geomorphologist, Peter Zuzek, Coastal Engineer, Hannah Cann, Coastal Stewardship Coordinator for the LHCCC and Conservation Authority Environmental Planning and Regulations staff from both Saugeen Valley-Erik Downing and Grey Sauble-Andy Sorensen Conservation Authorities. The workshop provided vital shoreline information to over 80 people present at the Kincardine and Southampton venues as well as 30 online and continuing. The workshops were posted onto YouTube-875 views. We know that our changing climate has also lead to problems along the shoreline such as the high lake levels with landowners being reactive to improperly placing material to try and protect shorelines. Sharing of information so that residents understand the value of the natural shoreline and risk to improper changes.
Nearest city or town: Municipality of Kincardine
Project start date: February 1, 2020
End date: February 20, 2021
Project focus: Education / Outreach
Project contact: Jo-Anne Harbinson, Manager Water Resources and Stewardship Services