This is a project we initially began in 2014 in partnership with Lakeview Public School in M'Chigeeng First Nation as an opportunity to not only improve the habitat and accessibility for spawning fish species, but incorporate an education aspect with the Grade 8 class to develop a sense of ownership and responsibility to hold onto in the future as protectors of the water and land in their own backyard! Each year (with a new class of Gr. 8's) we pick a new area along the M'Chigeeng Creek and do a thorough garbage clean up, improve flow, add spawning substrate, and plant new trees for the future!
This year we continued to enhance this creek with the Lakeview Public School grade 8 class and two Sudbury Youth Ranger groups.
Accomplishments this year;
-1180m of stream clean up; 2 trucks full
-log jam and beaver damn removal
-50 native trees planted
-2 wing deflectors installed
-15 yards (a dump truck full) of cobble mixture installed
-100m of instream habitat repaired
Nearest city or town: M'Chigeeng First Nation
Project start date: August 18, 2014
Project focus: Education
Project contact: Seija Deschenes