In 2022, the ABCA and Municipality of Lucan Biddulph continued to enhance the Campanale Way site. The Ausable Fields (behind the Lucan Community Memorial Centre) is now home to a dry storm water management pond. This basin will catch rain water and snowmelt runoff from neighbouring developments and allow water to be filtered and treated naturally before entering local waterways. In September 2022, with help from the ABCA, volunteers from 1st Lucan Scouts, Big Brothers Big Sisters, local elementary and secondary schools, and local community members planted over 600 native plants that will provide habitat for pollinators, increase water filtration, and create a beautiful gathering space for the community.
Nearest city or town: Lucan Biddulph
Project start date: June 8, 2022
Project focus: Combination of Education, Restoration, and Monitoring
Project contact: Rosalind Chang