Healthy Lake Huron is a multi-year collaborative effort has enabled the five Conservation Authorities (CAs) with watersheds which drain the southeast shoreline of Lake Huron to share strategic watershed approaches. In 2021, OMAFRA funded a project to complete mapping and prioritize strategies that will enhance the uptake of best practices to reduce erosion and downstream sediment deposition and nutrient enrichment.
Key Project Outcomes
1) MVCA completed a watershed plan for the Eighteen Mile Creek Subwatershed
2) GSCA created a watershed strategy for the Tara Creek Subwatershed
3) Erosion potential was mapped for the entire Healthy Lake Huron jurisdiction
4) The relationship between erosion potential areas and Municipal Drain Cleanouts was also investigated.
Future research to expand and develop the relationship between soil erosion, municipal drains and Rural Green Infrastructure is recommended.
Nearest city or town: Exeter
Project start date: January 11, 2021
End date: December 31, 2021
Project focus: Monitoring / Research
Project contact: Nina Sampson