Lake Huron's beach-dune ecosystems are fragile and rare, making up only a small percentage of the shoreline. Vegetation on dunes helps keep sand in place, preventing sand from being lost from the beach through wind erosion. Healthy dunes can also help improve water quality, and protect properties from damage and flooding during times of high water levels.
Green Ribbon Champions are coastal stewards committed to the protection of the Great Lakes, and are recognized for their efforts to protect and restore our coastal ecosystems. Through a series of workshops, site visits, and restoration events, residents of 3 municipalities are learning to prepare stewardship plans for their property and how to implement dune restoration on their own waterfront. We have been working with shoreline residents and groups of volunteers to restore Lake Huron's beaches, helping to protect the rare species that rely on healthy dune environments to survive.
Nearest city or town: Point Clark, Kincardine, Saugeen Shores
Project start date: July 1, 2019
Project focus: Ecosystem Restoration
Project contact: Erinn Lawrie