In 2017-18, BRWI continued with stream rehabilitation work on three sites. Two on the Beaver River and one on a small urban cold water stream that flows through the village of Carksburg and enters the Beaver River just upstream of the village of Thornbury. BRWI also worked with our partners to undertake a large phragmities removal project on the shore of Georgian Bay near the village of Thornbury, Peasemarsh Conservation Area ( see attached article).
The stream rehabilitation projects focused on increasing natural bed-load movement and enhancing natural sinuousity to promote the creation of pools and riffles. This included removal of flow restricting blown down trees and unnatural woody debris jams. Some of the removed wood and trees were used to create fish habitat structures such as lunker structures and wing deflectors. These projects had very positive outcomes and served to engage to local community and heighten awareness our mission.
Nearest city or town: Clarksburg
Project start date: April 1, 2017
End date: March 31, 2018
Project focus: Stewardship
Project contact: Andy McKee