The Central Algoma Freshwater Coalition was established to address concerns about algal blooms. The cause of the blooms was identified primarily as nutrient pollution. Best practices were circulated within the watershed management plans. Sociology studies indicated that once a problem is identified and solutions are known, people are still unlikely to take action as there is a mental disconnect between knowing and acting on problems. The missing link was identified as getting the community discussing in coffee shops the issue and the community collectively changing its culture related to the environment. Five posters and three maps were developed related to nutrient pollution. We teamed up with a MNRF Grant and were able to add a A Guide to Sustainable living in Algoma, a sixteen page booklet. In addition to the public meeting we were able to display posters at a municipal work shop and other CAFC events. Local and national media picked up our press release.
Nearest city or town: Bruce Mines, Ontario
Project start date: September 1, 2017
End date: February 28, 2018
Project focus: Education
Project contact: Chuck Miller, CAFC President