The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority has worked with the landowners near Bayfield to implement and monitor best management projects (BMPs).
Highlights include:
- Over 70 best management practices have been implemented since 2008,
- At the field scale we can measure reduced pollutant transport from structural BMPs, such as grass filter strips or water and sediment control basins. These reductions are more difficult to see at the watershed scale, and
- Applying a system of BMPs (to avoid, control, trap and treat water runoff) yields more significant reductions in total phosphorus at a watershed scale, as seen in modelled results.
Thanks to the local landowners and farmers have made obvious efforts to implement good practices and allow monitoring on their land! The ABCA gratefully acknowledges the support of Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Ministries of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Natural Resources and Forestry and Environment and Climate Change.
Nearest city or town: Bayfield, ON
Project start date: April 1, 2008
Project focus: Stewardship
Project contact: Mari Veliz