The tall limestone cliffs and turquoise water of the Bruce Peninsula provide a variety of recreational opportunities for residents and visitors alike. Credit: Scott Parker
Sharing information on Best Management Practices is an important part of collaboration between the individuals, communities, watershed groups and governmental agencies at work for Lake Huron. Credit: BPBA
Exposed limestone bluffs at Cave Point, Bruce Peninsula.
Rocky islands of eastern Georgian Bay. Photo credit: Ellen Perschbacher
Southern Ontario agriculture along Lake Huron’s southeast shore. Credit: Daniel Holm Photography
Sand beach and dune complexes are found along the southeastern shores, such as those pictured here near Pinery Provincial Park. Credit: Daniel Holm Photography
Lake Huron waters support a thriving agricultural sector, particularly in the southeastern portion of the watershed. Credit: Daniel Holm Photography
Volunteers engaged in stream restoration efforts in a Lake Huron tributary. Photo credit: MSIA
Rocky islands of eastern Georgian Bay. Photo credit: Ellen Perschbacher
The St. Marys River flows from Lake Superior to Lake Huron, contributing 8 billion liters/hour to the receiving basin in Lake Huron. Photo credit: Mark Chambers

Bayfield Watershed Plan

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The purpose of the Main Bayfield watershed plan is to improve water quality within the Bayfield River, which outlets to Lake Huron in Bayfield, Ontario. Following the key strategies of the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Framework for Community Action, the Main Bayfield watershed plan builds awareness, supports community involvement, and helps to implement actions to protect and enhance the watershed.
• Water quality monitored at two sites along the Bayfield River.
• Five citizen scientists monitored beach stormwater during the months of June to August.
• 35 students and adults helped plant 500 native plants in a demonstration rain garden at Sloman Park in Clinton.
• Three newsletters sent out to watershed residents.
• 8 berms were installed to hold back water during storm events, 7 fields were planted with a cover crop, 3 rain gardens were installed and there were 4 tree planting projects
• Presentation on rain gardens at the Bayfield Sustainability Summit.

Nearest city or town: Bayfield
Project start date: April 1, 2018
End date: April 1, 2023

Project focus: Education / Outreach
Project contact: Mari Veliz

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