Here is the link to the Lake Huron Summit Summary from October 2017.
Hello Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Initiative Community
Thank you to all who were able to attend our Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Summit October 25th and 26th in Collingwood, we felt it was a huge success and based on responses from the participants most felt the same way.
The summary in addition to the presentations from Day 1 are posted here!
We were really impressed by the interaction and sharing of ideas between individuals and organizations at the Summit and heard from participants that they would be happy to share their contact information amongst the group, so to that end we are providing a list of participants and their email addresses. We are also looking at developing a LIST-SERVE for the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Community where people will readily be able to share ideas, promote upcoming events and activities and ask questions amongst their peers. We hope you agree this would be beneficial and would like to move ahead with the development of this LIST-SERVE using the email addresses we currently have. We think this would be a great way for individuals and organizations to stay in touch around the basin until we can get together again, however please let us know if you do not want to be a part of this distribution list.
Finally, a lot of work has gone into the re-development of the Community Action website and we are hoping you will take some time to visit the site and browse through all the great information available. One feature we would specifically like to highlight is the “Share a Story” link where we would like to hear, and share with others the great projects that you our your group has completed towards improving the environment of Lake Huron-Georgian Bay and it’s watershed.
That’s it for now we look forward to talking to you again soon.